Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 1: A picture of you with 10 facts.

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1) I love my life so much! I am continually so thankful of where God has brought me, and that He is so faithful to use me here in Abilene!

2) I have an adorable Dalmatian named BELLA JANE!

3) I cherish my family so much! Although I know the Lord is calling Meguell and I to great things, my biggest fear in being called is being so far from my family! Although I would willingly go where the Lord calls, the hardest part would be to leave my family!

4) The Lord is teaching me to use my testimony as a praise to Him! He is gradually teaching me how to use the death of my brother as part of my testimony, and teaching me to walk in grace and praise to Him, and not in guilt and shame for the sins of my past! Thank the Lord :-)

5) I have had the same best friend almost my entire life! We met when we were 3 years old and God has blessed us with so many years together! Also, I am best friends with both my mom and my sister! All of these relationships are so special to me!

6) I love the outdoors! I find joy in being out, no matter what I am doing!

7) I am going to Maputo, Mozambique-Africa this summer (2011)! I am so excited to do missions work with my husband, and with three of our very close friends that we live life with! I know God has such big things for us there and cannot wait to see what he is going to do and teach us!

8) One of my biggest desires in life is to use my counseling degree to see young men freed from chains that the devil tries to hold them in! To see them find their identity in Christ, and walk out in the destiny he has for them! To be raised up as leaders for the Lord, and lead their own families into freedom!

9) A dream of mine is to have many children! Not just my own....(which I do want), but for mine and Meguell's house to be a place where young adults can come and we can minister to them and pour into them and become kind of "spiritual parents" to many! (This is one reason we feel called to the college ministry!)

10) The picture at the top really isn't of's actually my sister....and even though we normally don't look alike, in that picture, I even felt like it looks just like ME! The picture below actually is of me!

**I went a lot deeper with this than I planned... :-) But hey now you know the REAL ME!

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